
CompuGen 1100 12 Bit, 80 MS/s Analog Output (D/A) Card

作者:admin 发布日期:2011-4-24 15:37:22点击:1972

Traditional waveform generators provide simple, periodic waveforms appropriate for audio and RF applications. The complex analog and digital circuits of today require the stimuli to be customized.

CompuGen 1100 enables the user to create a large number of varying analog and digital outputs and store them for future reference.

  • 80 MHz Arbitrary Waveform Generator
  • 12 Bit Resolution
  • 12.5 ns Time Resolution
  • 80 Million Conversions per Second
  • Up to 16 Meg On-Board Memory
  • Up to 8 Cards in a Master/Slave System for up to 8 Simultaneous output channels
  • CompuGen for Windows Software (CGWin) for creating and editing waveforms
  • Software Development Kits for C/C++, MATLAB and LabVIEW